Accessible rheology for everyone, everywhere
A unique rheometer to measure instantly
the properties of your products
Now a rheometer available for rent !
Beyond a simple viscosity measure !
Flow curve to determine the behaviour of your products each step of the way

Rheometry fast and easy !

Optimised protocols

Intuitive software
Self training and guided measures

No calibration needed
2 min set-up

Small volume samples
Starting 20µL

Data analysis
“EasyRheo is a device that can be quickly installed and very easy-to-use, as each step of operation is explained either through text or video.
Customer story | Jordan HERBIN, Analytical technician
Additionnally, the results are compiled in Excel and PDF formats for convenient analysis and export.
ARD compagny
- What you want : wide range geometries for all types of fluids

- Wherever you choose : transportable, installed on-site or in your lab
Robust | No compressed air needed | Impervious to external vibrations | Integrated thermal regulation
- Whenever you wish : available for renting for the duration of your project

is the solution if you want :

New product formulation
Select ingredients, study stability, evaluate texture and structure, monitor jellification,…

Upscaling and sizing a process
Validate the products non-Newtonian characteristics, calculate pressure losses,…

Quality control
Assess the product without destroying it and without reference, ensure compliance